The Love Pack is an Another World Belfast project that campaigns for much needed supplies for local people EXPERIENCING homelessness, displacement and hardship.

It works just like a FOOD BANK but for TOILETRIES and underwear. So far we have distributed ‘Love Packs’ containing over 200,000 publicly donated products.


We are collecting our most needed items in person via our drop off locations in our Swap shop, U.U School of Art Shop, Maitri Studios, and of course our Amazon Wish List. Check it out to see if you can help us and the communities we support.


We campaign for public donations from a live list of items agreed with our partner organisations.

This season we are collecting our most needed items via our very own Amazon Wish List. Check it out to see if you can help us and the communities we support.


Alongside a host of volunteers, we sort, count, and pack the donated items at our site in West Belfast

With love and pride, we make up a variety of bespoke ‘Love Packs’ such as family sharing packs, rough-sleeper kits, welcome packs for recent victims of human trafficking, or simply period care packs.


AWB proudly delivers orders to local organisations and groups working to address the complex needs of homeless people, asylum seekers, refugees, vulnerable young people and families living in extreme poverty.

We focus our distribution to intercultural and non-political initiatives that work to support the good humans around us.


We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable people, with our primary mission being the support of immediate needs.

We will fight for change so no person has to make a choice between basic items or having sufficient food.


Our work goes much further than packing and sorting. We also collect excess donations from bigger organisations such as The Welcome Organisation and redistribute them to smaller groups in need. We regularly volunteer with many of our partner organisations as they do their work on the front line for those most in need..